Special hours on Monday, August 28

Dinand Library Hours.  Closed Saturday & Sunday August 26 & 27.  Monday, August 28, 8:30 am - midnight.  Academic Year hours resume Tuesday, August 29.

Dinand Library will have special hours on Monday, August 28 and be open from 8:30 am to midnight. The Science and Music Libraries will be open 8:30 am to 4:30 pm on Monday. The Libraries will begin their Academic Year schedule on Tuesday, August 29. Visit the Hours page at https://holycross.libcal.com/hours for the most up-to-date information. Welcome back!




New Group Subscription to The Atlantic

The Atlantic.  166 years of independent journalism, of no party or clique.  Activate your free access.

Good news! We have a new group subscription to the full website of The Atlantic including text, videos, podcasts, and events. It is available to the Holy Cross community (only current staff, faculty and students) at https://theatlantic.com/group-login or you can find it in the library catalog at https://library.holycross.edu/Record/in00000004185 Please reach out to LibRef@holycross.edu with any questions.




Archives & Distinctive Collections Closure

Sorry the Archives are Closed August 15-16, 2023

Archives & Distinctive Collections will be closed on Tuesday, August 15th and Wednesday, August 16th due to HVAC replacement. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Need to get in touch with Archives staff during the closure? Please email us at archives@holycross.edu